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Open House "Christmas on the Plains"


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Open House "Christmas on the Plains"

  • Plains Indians & Pioneers Museum 2009 Williams Ave. Woodward, OK 73801 (map)

Open House, “Christmas on the Plains” is an annual event, inviting all ages to enjoy a day at the museum and its our way of saying Thank you.

Come enjoy a day filled with food, music and fun. Starting at 1 pm with heavy hors d’oeuvres served throughout the day until 4pm

1-2pm pictures with Santa and Ms. Claus

1-2:45pm Music by Dakota Davis & Hattie Larkey

2-3pm in the Agriculture Exhibit a program on The Great Western Cattle Trail by Gary and Margaret Kraisinger

3-4 Music by Jenna Katherine

Some kids games throughout the museum, a scavenger hunt can be played with mystery goodies bag for playing. Let the little ones experience the museum and all of it’s hidden treasures.

Merry Christmas!!!