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"The Art of Native Basketry" by Mary Aitson


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"The Art of Native Basketry" by Mary Aitson

  • Plains Indians & Pioneers Museum 2009 Williams Ave. Woodward, OK 73801 (map)

In celebration of National Native American Heritage Month, the Roberson Gallery will exhibit the basket art of Mary Aitson. This exhibit will run from November 2nd through November 30th, 2024 with an artist reception on Saturday November 2nd from 2-4 PM.

Mary (Rector) Aitson was born and raised on her mother’s allotted land in Adair County.  She grew up in Scraper Hollow, named in honor of her great, great grandfather, Captain Archibald Scraper.  She graduated from Stilwell High School and earned both a Bachelor of Science and a Masters Degree from Northeastern Oklahoma State University in Tahlequah.  She retired after teaching sixth grade for 38 years in Kansas and northwestern Oklahoma.  Mary learned to weave baskets from Mavis Doering before she began to work on her own.  Ms. Aitson has been weaving baskets for 25 plus years.  Materials used in her weaving are honeysuckle, buck brush and palm reed along with natural dyes and commercial dyes.  She takes great joy in creating natural dyes, especially black walnut and blood root to enhance her traditional baskets.  In addition to the traditional dyes, she has also created dyes using elderberries, pokeberries, red onion skins, blueberries and peach leaves.  She is proudly 90 years young.

Don’t miss your chance to see these beautifully crafted baskets.

Earlier Event: September 28
Watercolor Workshop with Bob Beatley