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(580) 256-6136


John Kokalis "Artistic Surf N Turf: From the Plains to the Sea" Watercolor Exhibit
to Apr 26

John Kokalis "Artistic Surf N Turf: From the Plains to the Sea" Watercolor Exhibit

  • Plains Indians & Pioneers Museum (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

John Louis Kokalis, a native of Michigan and seasoned watercolorist since 1962, draws inspiration for his paintings from his lifelong passion for sailing and his extensive exploration of the coastal communities along the Great Lakes of Michigan and Canada. He moved to the Texas and Oklahoma region in 1978, where he also discovered a profound appreciation for the expansive beauty of the Western Plains.  Today, he paints both seascapes and the plains of America with equal energy and authenticity.

 His seascapes are rich and authentic, his prairie scenes are fresh and striking, and his florals are vivid and original. Despite  attending and even leading numerous watercolor workshops, Kokalis attributes the evolution of his painting style primarily to his exploration and experimentation of subjects and techniques.

Join the Plains Indians and Pioneers Museum for an artist reception on April 5th, 2025 from 2-4pm. Meet John and experience his art in our beautiful art gallery. His exhibit, “Artistic Surf and Turf: From the Plains to the Sea.” will run through April 26th, 2025.

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Mindful Museum Yoga Class
8:30 AM08:30

Mindful Museum Yoga Class

  • Plains Indians & Pioneers Museum (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Back by popular demand, Mindful Museum Yoga class with instructor Venita McGuire. Mindfulness is a vital key to finding peace and calming. Paired in a quite space filled with art this class will sure to be one to transform your traditional yoga experience. For only $12 you can join in on this class, a continued welcoming of spring taking place on April 12th, 2025 from 8:30am to 9:30am. Spots are limited so please call the museum to reserve your spot 580-256-6136

The pictures you see here are from the previous Mindful Museum Yoga Class that took place on March 15th, 2025 in our Art Gallery!

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"Drawing with the Pro!" Pencil & Drawing Workshop
2:00 PM14:00

"Drawing with the Pro!" Pencil & Drawing Workshop

  • Plains Indians & Pioneers Museum (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us for another workshop with Veteran artist and instructor Bob Beatley! This one is a pencil and drawing class for adults or anyone 14 years and older. Learn the basics of drawing! Set to take place in the Roberson Art Gallery on April 12th, 2025 from 2pm-5pm. This workshop is $45 with supplies included, spots are limited so call the museum today to secure your spot. 580-256-6136

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Let's Talk About it Book Club "Bad Indians" By Deborah Miranda
6:00 PM18:00

Let's Talk About it Book Club "Bad Indians" By Deborah Miranda

  • Plains Indians & Pioneers Museum (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Oklahoma Humanities series, Let’s Talk About it, is a book club that dives into the educational side of things, bringing in a scholar to discuss the books and the part they play in our cultures and communities.

In partnership with the Woodward Public Library, the Plains Indians and Pioneers Museum will host 2 of the 5 discussion groups throughout the program. This book, Bad Indians by Deborah Miranda leads readers through a troubled past using the author’s family circle as a touch point and resource for discovery. Personal and strong, these stories present an evocative new view of shaping of California and the lives of Indians during the Mission period in California. The result is a work of literary art that is wise, angry and playful all at once.

Join us Tuesday, April 22nd at 6pm with scholar, Dr. Roxie James professor at NWOSU as she guides a discussion on this compelling read.

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Mindful Museum Yoga Class with Venita McGuire
8:30 AM08:30

Mindful Museum Yoga Class with Venita McGuire

  • Plains Indians & Pioneers Museum (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Coming to the museum for the first time is Mindful Museum Yoga class with instructor Venita McGuire. Mindfulness is a vital key to finding peace and calming. Paired in a quite space filled with art this class will sure to be one to transform your traditional yoga experience. For only $12 you can join in on this class, a welcoming of spring and taking place just days before the Spring Equinox, on March 15th, 2025 from 8:30am to 9:30am. Spots are limited so please call the museum to reserve your spot 580-256-6136

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Ask the Archeologist
1:00 PM13:00

Ask the Archeologist

Join us in March 1st, 2025 from 1-4PM when Dr. Leland Bement will be at PIPM for his annual “Ask the Archeologist” program. Everyone is invited to bring their ancient relics (no, that doesn’t include your 98-year-old Great Aunt Mildred) for Dr. Bement to view and discuss.

Lee Bement, Ph.D. is a research faculty member at the Oklahoma Archeological Survey at OU. He has been at the Survey for more than 20 years. He is an Adjunct Associate Professor in the Dept. of Anthropology as well as a member of the Graduate Faculty. He is also an Adjunct Full Professor in the Dept. of Plant and Soil Sciences at Oklahoma State University, where he is also a member of the Graduate Faculty.

Look forward to seeing you there!

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Let's Talk About it Book Club "There, There" By Tommy Orange
6:00 PM18:00

Let's Talk About it Book Club "There, There" By Tommy Orange

  • Plains Indians & Pioneers Museum (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Oklahoma Humanities series, Let’s Talk About it, is a book club that dives into the educational side of things, bringing in a scholar to discuss the books and the part they play in our cultures and communities.

In partnership with the Woodward Public Library, the Plains Indians and Pioneers Museum will host 2 of the 5 discussion groups throughout the program. This book, There, There by Tommy Orange is a wondrous and shattering novel that follows twelve characters from Native communities: all traveling to the Big Oakland Powwow, all connected to one another in ways they may not yet realize.

Join us Tuesday, February 25th at 6pm with scholar, Dr. Deena Fisher as she guides a discussion on this compelling read.

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Book Signing- Meet and Greet for "Justice For All: Dick T. Morgan Frontier Lawyer and Common Man's Congressman"
2:00 PM14:00

Book Signing- Meet and Greet for "Justice For All: Dick T. Morgan Frontier Lawyer and Common Man's Congressman"

  • Plains Indians & Pioneers Museum (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Dick T. Morgan

Think you know your Woodward history? There's more to learn if you've never heard of Dick T. Morgan: Oklahoma pioneer, lawyer, land register, author, and six-term U.S. Congressman. Dick T. Morgan was one of life's true overachievers who was a major influencer back in the day. But for some reason his legacy has gone relatively overlooked... until now.

On February 15th, the Plains Indians & Pioneers Museum is hosting renowned author/biographer Michael Hightower and Dick T. Morgan's great-grandsons, David and Kenyon Morgan as we celebrate the publication and release of the book, "Justice for All ..." - with a meet-and-greet book signing in the Muse.

There will be light refreshments served and as always, it's a free event. Stop by. Learn about one of Woodward's most famous citizens!

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Ceramic's Workshop
2:00 PM14:00

Ceramic's Workshop

  • Plains Indians & Pioneers Museum (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Hey there, fellow daydreamers! Have you ever dreamed of making your own ceramics but you just don’t know where or how to start. We have the workshop for you, supplies are included and it’s sure to be a great learning experience and one you can take home and apply in your art endeavors.

The Plains Indians & Pioneers Museum invites you to unleash your inner Warren MacKenzie with our ceramic workshop taught by renowned local artist and art instructor Mr. Bob Beatley (aka, Van Gogh who?) Join us on Saturday, Feb. 8th from 2-5PM and learn from the best. We do ask that you reserve your spot by calling us at 580-256-6136. Limited spots are available.

Workshop Cost

$55 supplies included (meaning we will have all the supplies you need)

$50 for museum members

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45th Annual Paul Laune Memorial Art Competition
to Feb 27

45th Annual Paul Laune Memorial Art Competition

Yep, it’s that time of year again! The 45th Annual Paul Laune Memorial Art Competition for High School students kicks off on February 4th and runs through February 27th. There will be a special reception for the participants on February 27th from 11-1 here at the Museum. Awards will be presented during the reception.

Please come out to view some incredible art made by regional high schoolers and pay tribute to one of Northwest Oklahoma’s greatest artists.

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Intermediate Watercolor Workshop with Bob Beatley
2:00 PM14:00

Intermediate Watercolor Workshop with Bob Beatley

  • Plains Indians & Pioneers Museum (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Hey there, fellow daydreamers! Do you find yourself gazing at gorgeous landscapes and wishing you could magically paint them? Tired of slapping bland colors on walls and wondering if that's how Van Gogh got his start? Fear not, there's no need to cut off an ear, for we have a solution!

The Plains Indians & Pioneers Museum invites you to unleash your inner Warhol with our watercolor painting workshop taught by renowned local artist and art instructor Mr. Bob Beatley (aka, Van Gogh who?)! Join us on Saturday, January 11th from 2-5PM and learn from the best. We do ask that you reserve your spot by calling us at 580-256-6136.

Workshop Cost

$30 without supplies (meaning you bring your own supplies)

$55 supplies included (meaning we will have all the supplies you need

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Open House "Christmas on the Plains"
1:00 PM13:00

Open House "Christmas on the Plains"

  • Plains Indians & Pioneers Museum (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Open House, “Christmas on the Plains” is an annual event, inviting all ages to enjoy a day at the museum and its our way of saying Thank you.

Come enjoy a day filled with food, music and fun. Starting at 1 pm with heavy hors d’oeuvres served throughout the day until 4pm

1-2pm pictures with Santa and Ms. Claus

1-2:45pm Music by Dakota Davis & Hattie Larkey

2-3pm in the Agriculture Exhibit a program on The Great Western Cattle Trail by Gary and Margaret Kraisinger

3-4 Music by Jenna Katherine

Some kids games throughout the museum, a scavenger hunt can be played with mystery goodies bag for playing. Let the little ones experience the museum and all of it’s hidden treasures.

Merry Christmas!!!

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Larry K Hill Selenite Crystal Art Exhibition
to Jan 4

Larry K Hill Selenite Crystal Art Exhibition

  • Plains Indians & Pioneers Museum (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Oklahoma artist Larry Hill was born in the southeastern part of the state, in a small town that few have ever heard of. His childhood was marked by constant movement as he followed his father’s work for the railroad, instilling in him a sense of impermanence. Later in life, drawn by the allure of the plains, he settled down to raise his family and rekindle his passion for art.

Embarking on extensive motorcycle journeys across the country, Larry stopped wherever he pleased, capturing not only the sights but also the emotions of each place and moment. With each mile traveled and painting created, he felt compelled to share his experiences. Standing amidst the vast expanse of the plains, he sought to convey their visual impact, inhaling the scent of dry sweet grass and contemplating humanity's connection to the land.

From Hartshorne, Oklahoma, to Dalhart, Texas, and finally to Woodward, Oklahoma, Larry's artistic mission is to document the evolution of the local people—self-reliant, proud, and deeply rooted in their history yet forward-thinking.

Come experience this unique exhibition of Larry’s Selenite Crystal artworks with an artist reception and opening on Saturday December 7th from 2-4pm while this exhibit will run through January 4th, 2024. Selenite is mostly synonymous with gypsum and found in no scarcity in this part of the world. Come see for yourself how Larry transforms art from earth into a modern day artwork, adding various colors and objects with just a little paint.

You can also find Larry K. Hill at is studio in downtown Woodward, OK, check out his webiste

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"The Art of Native Basketry" by Mary Aitson
to Nov 30

"The Art of Native Basketry" by Mary Aitson

  • Plains Indians & Pioneers Museum (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

In celebration of National Native American Heritage Month, the Roberson Gallery will exhibit the basket art of Mary Aitson. This exhibit will run from November 2nd through November 30th, 2024 with an artist reception on Saturday November 2nd from 2-4 PM.

Mary (Rector) Aitson was born and raised on her mother’s allotted land in Adair County.  She grew up in Scraper Hollow, named in honor of her great, great grandfather, Captain Archibald Scraper.  She graduated from Stilwell High School and earned both a Bachelor of Science and a Masters Degree from Northeastern Oklahoma State University in Tahlequah.  She retired after teaching sixth grade for 38 years in Kansas and northwestern Oklahoma.  Mary learned to weave baskets from Mavis Doering before she began to work on her own.  Ms. Aitson has been weaving baskets for 25 plus years.  Materials used in her weaving are honeysuckle, buck brush and palm reed along with natural dyes and commercial dyes.  She takes great joy in creating natural dyes, especially black walnut and blood root to enhance her traditional baskets.  In addition to the traditional dyes, she has also created dyes using elderberries, pokeberries, red onion skins, blueberries and peach leaves.  She is proudly 90 years young.

Don’t miss your chance to see these beautifully crafted baskets.

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Watercolor Workshop with Bob Beatley
2:00 PM14:00

Watercolor Workshop with Bob Beatley

  • Plains Indians & Pioneers Museum (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Painting with the Pro!!

Hey there, fellow daydreamers! Do you find yourself gazing at gorgeous landscapes and wishing you could magically paint them? Tired of slapping bland colors on walls and wondering if that's how Van Gogh got his start? Fear not, there's no need to cut off an ear, for we have a solution!

The Plains Indians & Pioneers Museum invites you to unleash your inner Warhol with our watercolor painting workshop taught by renowned local artist and art instructor Mr. Bob Beatley (aka, Van Gogh who?)! Join us on Saturday, September 28 from 2-5PM and learn from the best. We do ask that you reserve your spot by calling us at 580-256-6136.

Workshop Cost

$30 without supplies (meaning you bring your own supplies)

$55 supplies included (meaning we will have all the supplies you need

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41st Annual Photography Contest Exhibit
to Oct 19

41st Annual Photography Contest Exhibit

  • Plains Indians & Pioneers Museum (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Our annual photography contest exhibit is open to the public for viewing in the Robert Roberson Exhibition Gallery. The show will close on Saturday, October 19, 2024, after a reception for the winners from 2:00pm to 4:00pm. Awards will be given out at 2:30pm. We had an abundance of entries and there was a lot of great photography entered into this years contest. We invite you to come see it for yourself!

Additional questions can be directed to or by calling the Museum at 580-256-6136.

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Taking Entries for 41st Annual Photography Contest
to Aug 30

Taking Entries for 41st Annual Photography Contest

  • Plains Indians & Pioneers Museum (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

All entries must be received at the Plains Indians & Pioneers Museum no later than 5:00pm, August 30, 2024. Entries may be submitted starting August 1, 2024. Each entry must be accompanied by a completed entry form and fee. Submissions for the Theme Award should be marked as such on the entry form. Entry fees are $10 per entry or $25 for three. The judging will take place on Saturday, August 31, 2024, with the show opening to the public on Thursday, September 5, 2024. The show will close on Saturday, October 19, 2024, after a reception for the winners from 2:00pm to 4:00pm.

Additional questions can be directed to or by calling the Museum at 580-256-6136.

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"Through the Eyes of an Old Man." Art Exhibit by Warren Little
to Jul 27

"Through the Eyes of an Old Man." Art Exhibit by Warren Little

  • Plains Indians & Pioneers Museum (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Warren Little is a retired Oklahoma rancher, spending his retirement days making art. He uses gouache water color, acrylic, colored oil pencil, charcoal, and wood carving. Warren is known for his caricatures on napkins in cafes in Kansas and Oklahoma.

We invite you to attend his artist reception on Saturday July 27th from 3-5pm, you can meet Warren and maybe if you ask nice he may do a napkin portrait of you!


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"A Moment in Time"  Dale Hirschman, Rodeo Photographer
to Jun 29

"A Moment in Time" Dale Hirschman, Rodeo Photographer

  • Plains Indians & Pioneers Museum (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The Plains Indians & Pioneers Museum of Woodward is bringing an exhibit of western art and photography by noted artist and photographer Dale Hirschman.

The exhibit opens in the Museum’s Roberson Gallery on Saturday, June 1st and there will be an artist reception that evening from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.

“It’s rare to find someone who is so talented in so many ways and produces art born of those life experiences,” Plains Indians & Pioneers Museum Executive Director Mikel Robinson said. “Dale Hirschman is all that and more. We’re very happy to have him exhibit in the Museum’s gallery for the month of June.”

Dale Hirschman is a retired high school art teacher of more than 30 years. He also had a pro-rodeo career that spanned 26 years as a PRCA bareback rider.

He currently serves as a PRCA Photographer and in 2020 was a Top 5 finalist for PRCA Photographer of the Year.

He serves as the Rodeo Chaplain for the Central Plains Region of the National Intercollegiate Rodeo Association.

Museum Executive Director Mikel Robinson said of the upcoming exhibit, “We are so very proud and pleased to host Dale in his first exhibit in this Museum.

He is very well known throughout Oklahoma and the pro rodeo circuit. And the fact that we’re able to open during Rodeo Week makes it even more special. We certainly hope everyone will be able to attend the artist reception and meet Dale.”

On the Trail
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Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society Exhibit
to Jun 29

Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society Exhibit

  • Plains Indians & Pioneers Museum (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Hey there everybody! The Plains Indians & Pioneers Museum has been chosen as the first Museum to exhibit a new display by the Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society. We'll have the exhibit up and open on June 1st and run throughout the month. There will be a reception and presentation on Saturday, June 8th from 3-5PM. Come on by and enjoy light refreshments and learn more about the critically important work of this organization.

Hope to see you there! As always, it's a free event.

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to May 25


  • Plains Indians & Pioneers Museum (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

MALORY WRIDE: ABSTRACTS EXHIBITION Artist Reception May 4, 2024, from 2-4PM

Raised as an artist and an empath, Malory has been creating commission portrait pieces for her family, friends, and piers from a very young age. In recent years Malory has studied Eastern philosophy, yogic lifestyle, and energy healing practices. Each new thing she learns is reflected in her work. She is constantly teaching herself new things so she can bring greater and more diverse ways of healing through her creativity.

“Art is a journal. My lifetime of work will be a novel. I pray I spark in other people the desire to express themselves in gentle and fun new ways. Expression comes from a place of truth. If every person in the world was speaking their truth and was accepting other people expressing their own truths, then I believe there would be more peace in the world.”





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1:00 PM13:00

White Thunder, Cheyenne Holy Man

  • Plains Indians & Pioneers Museum (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The Plains Indians and Pioneers Museum presents, “White Thunder, Cheyenne Holy Man,” a presentation by noted author, Dee Cordry slated for Saturday April 6th at 1pm.  He will be discussing his latest book, “The Children of White Thunder” a biography of one extended Cheyenne family, the descendants of White Thunder, a Cheyenne holy man who was Keeper of the Sacred Medicine Arrows. After the presentation, Mr. Cordry will do a book signing and his book will be available in the museums gift shop. We invite you to attend this free program at the Plains Indians & Pioneers Museum, 2009 Williams Ave in Woodward. “This program is funded in part by Oklahoma Humanities and the National Endowment for the Humanities.  Any views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in the program do not necessarily represent those of OH or NEH.” 

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Pretty Paper: An Exhibition of Torn Paper Collage
to Apr 27

Pretty Paper: An Exhibition of Torn Paper Collage

  • Plains Indians & Pioneers Museum (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


  • Sat, Apr 6, 202410:00 AM  Sat, Apr 27, 20245:00 PM

  • Plains Indians & Pioneers Museum (map)

Lauri Hamilton grew up in Woodward and raised her three sons here.  Throughout her life, Lauri has always been an animal lover and has rescued many abandoned or neglected dogs.  In the early years of WOOF Pet Rescue, Laurie volunteered at the rescue, which was always overrun with dogs and cats who needed a home, and this frustrated her tremendously. During the pandemic, Laurie was bored and looking for a hobby. She had never been artistic but she loved looking at all kinds of art, so she began browsing through art websites in order to pass the time. Always drawn to anything to do with animals, she happened upon the artist Deborah Shapiro, who painted animals using a collage technique with magazine paper. Shapiro's animal collages were colorful and the technique looked doable, so Lauri tried it, and she was hooked.  She started out by collaging mostly dogs, but she also did horses, roosters, and pigs, and then posted her collages on her Facebook site. Her friends and family shared them far and wide, and so it began.  Animal lovers are everywhere, so soon Lauri was receiving requests on her Facebook page from people all over the United States, asking if she would accept a commission to do a collage of a beloved family pet.  She accepted a commission from a rancher in Colorado to do a picture of his favorite cow, and she collaged a rooster for a beach house in Puerto Vallarta. Her most frequent requests were for family dogs, and as her gallery show will attest, she has done a plethora of them. For the past three years, Lauri has collaged over forty pet pictures for her family, friends, and Facebook followers.  All her commissions have been donated to promote the welfare of animals in Woodward, and she will donate all the proceeds from the Gallery Exhibit to WOOF Pet Rescue and to Woodward Animal Control's spay & neuter clinics.

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Kim Hensal Art Exhibition
to Jan 6

Kim Hensal Art Exhibition

  • Plains Indians & Pioneers Museum (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Artist Reception Saturday, December 2nd, 2-4pm

Kim Hensal is an artist living in Woodward, OK. Kim graduated from Oklahoma Christian University with a degree in Advertising Design and a focus on Illustration. She has been married to her best friend for 23 years, and they have 4 beautiful children. She has been blessed to travel all around the world, and loves to incorporate those experiences into her artwork. As a freelance artist, she has been able to create artwork for numerous clients, including the Pioneer Women. Whether she is teaching art students, or exploring a new medium like encasutics, she loves the opportunity to create and share her view of the world with those around her.

Kim’s work includes encaustic art pieces and a variety of tea towels and ornaments that will be on exhibit and available for purchase. Come experience the unique art of Kim Hensal.

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Southern Cheyenne Artist George Levi Exhibition
to Nov 25

Southern Cheyenne Artist George Levi Exhibition

  • Plains Indians & Pioneers Museum (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Now showing “Cheyenne’s Along the Wolf River”, an exhibition by Southern Cheyenne artist George Levi. Experience the unique ledger art of George Levi along side two of his children, Harding and Halcyon Levi. This exhibit runs through November 25th, with an artist reception the afternoon of the 25th from 2-4pm

George Levi is a member of the Southern Cheyenne tribe in Oklahoma, and he was raised in western Oklahoma. He also has ties to the Arapaho and Oglala Lakota communities who were historically, strongly allied with the Cheyenne. George’s art is influenced by the art and history of the Cheyenne people, particularly in Cheyenne and Arapaho artists of the past. “My work is about my people. It's about who I am and where I come from. It's about a history that still lives on.” Aside from ledger art, George also creates custom beadwork, rawhide items, acrylic paintings, computer-generated art, and textile art.

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to Oct 21

40th Annual Photography Contest Exhibit

  • Plains Indians & Pioneers Museum (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We are excited to be exhibiting the 40th Annual Photography Contest. This year’s theme was “Capturing Inspiring Moments”. This exhibit will run from Sept. 5th through October 21st, 2023. We will then have a winners reception on Saturday Oct. 21st from 2-4pm with this years Judge Ron Pierce from Grand Life Photography in OKC. Ron will be around to help pass out the prize money starting at 2:30pm and to answer any questions from the entrants. All are welcome to attend.

There where so many wonderful pictures entered this year and we are excited to be able to exhibit this years talent. You can visit the Museum anytime between 10 am and 5pm Tuesday through Saturday.

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Judy Barton's "Mosaics in Glass" Art Exhibition
to Aug 26

Judy Barton's "Mosaics in Glass" Art Exhibition

  • Plains Indians & Pioneers Museum (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Come July 22nd through August 26th, 2023 we welcome Judy Barton with an exhibition of mosaic art. Judy is self-taught, creating mosaics since 2013. She attended a workshop in Connecticut to learn how to make pebble mosaics. While there, she saw an installation of a glass mosaic which peaked her interest. She ordered the book, “Mosaics for the First Time,” to learn the basic technique and connected with other artist on Facebook where she has gained a wealth of knowledge.

Much of her art is inspired by her love of nature and gardening, so the sky is the limit when it comes to design ideas. Because of the opportunities afforded by the diverse colors and shapes of glass, she finds it very therapeutic and relaxing to create each piece. Each artwork is one of a kind, and many require over forty hours to complete form design to finish.

Her work carries special reward when she sees a person’s facial expression, holding up a piece to discover how the play of light brings extra dimension and beauty to the glass. She is always interested in exploring new techniques and challenging herself with more difficult projects such as creating pieces with water and reflectivity.

Make plans to attend an artist reception on Saturday July 22nd from 2-4pm, for you chance to meet the artist and talk with her about her creative journey.

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Inga Ojala Western & Wildlife Artist
to Jul 8

Inga Ojala Western & Wildlife Artist

  • Plains Indians & Pioneers Museum (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Come June 3rd through July 8th, 2023 we welcome Inga Ojala with an exhibition of western and wildlife art. A successful Artist from a family of Hollywood heavyweights, Inga Ojala has always simply considered herself an Artist and Teacher.

Daughter of the legendary Hollywood gunslinger/holster innovator/gun safety and gun coach Arvo Ojala and actress/model/figure skater Doris Naga Seversen, Ms. Ojala was born in Seattle, Washington and is of Finnish and Norwegian descent. Whether it's creating one-of-a-kind murals or displaying her skills at faux finishing, Ms. Ojala admits her greatest love is Art - and her outlet. For those who do not know, Ms. Ojala's father, Arvo, is a world-renowned gunslinger, working with such luminaries as Paul Newman, James Garner, James Arness, Marilyn Monroe, Natalie Wood, Kevin Costner, Sharon Stone, Michael J. Fox, and Mari Blanchard (to name only a few of those he trained in the art of gunslinging). But perhaps he is most famous for his work in front of as well as behind the scenes of one of the greatest television Westerns, Gunsmoke. Mr. Ojala is the man who challenges Marshall Dillon in the opening sequence of each episode. His filmography, much too lengthy to mention here, includes all of Hollywood's A-List celebrities, including Ronald Reagan as well.

Ms. Ojala is also a horse and dog trainer, expert marksman. She has also worked on films as a stunt coordinator and even performed some of the stunts herself. She's also pretty handy with a bull whip, from when she was a stunt gal on ‘No Mans Land'. In all, Ms. Ojala has been in countless films – including parts in 'The Wild Life', 'The Man with Two Brains', 'Protocol' and 'Fast Times at Ridgemont High' - and numerous television programs, such as 'Love Boat' and 'Fantasy Island', just to name a couple.

"Inga specializes in paintings of wildlife, fish, and western art, although she has the ability to paint, draw, carve to sculpt just about anything her client’s request. When Inga is out fishing, kayaking, and exploring she is studying the great outdoors, to put the realism into her paintings. When she is snorkeling she studies the natural feel of the water and the fish’s natural environment and puts that into the painting. She sometimes adds one of her hand-tied one-of-a-kind flies or lures to the artwork. It adds a certain realism to the art and makes her paintings stand out. "When she is teaching, she shows the students that there are many different ways to make their art jump out at the viewer and bring them in to the painting, drawing, or sculpture.

She is working on murals this summer at the Greensburg Hospital and restoration work on the waterfall she had built at Dodge House Hotel. Other murals locally are in St John, Eisenhower Park, Dodge House, Wright Park Zoo. So many other murals are located throughout the US in both residential and commercial areas. Along with upcoming art shows, art classes and so much more. Make plans to attend her Artist reception set for Friday June 16th, 2023 from 5-7PM.

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Amber Andersen-Artist
to May 27

Amber Andersen-Artist

  • Plains Indians & Pioneers Museum (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

They say April showers bring May flowers, and this May brings Artist, Amber Andersen to exhibit in the Robert Roberson Exhibition Gallery starting May 6th and running through May 27th, 2023. Amber is an Oklahoma native, born and raised in central Oklahoma.  She studied art at Washburn University in Topeka, Kansas.  Outside of her role as an artist she is also a mother, wife and most recently the new gallery director at the Larry K Hill Studios in Woodward, OK. Her subject matter typically involves fauna and flora with a heavy emphasis on entomology and mycology, making her a wonderful fit for the May exhibit. 

Her work often focuses on the natural balance and relationship between life and death, fulfillment, loss, and overcoming tragedy.  Her accomplishments include the illustration of a children’s book titled “Millie Finds Her Miracle.” Her other accomplishments include being in two juried group exhibitions at the Mulvane Art Museum in Topeka, Kansas. Amber has also painted a few murals, one in the court of colors behind Larry K. Hill Studios, and one on the Buffalo Main Street in Buffalo, OK.  We look forward to having Amber as a first-time exhibitor with us, please join us for an Artist reception Saturday, May 6th from to 2-4pm for your chance to meet Amber and experience her unique and beautiful work.

In the meantime, check out her Etsy Shop

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Linda Guenther Digital Aritst & Photographer
to Apr 29

Linda Guenther Digital Aritst & Photographer

  • Plains Indians & Pioneers Museum (map)
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Come experience the photography and digital art of Linda Guenther. Linda’s exhibit will be on display in the Robert Roberson Exhibition Gallery from April 1st through April 29th, 2023. Linda is an award winning photographer. Her works have been published in magazines such as the High Plains Journal, Hobby Farm Homes, and Persimmon Hill to name a few.

She is proud that her works are exhibited at the Contemporary Art Gallery in the Paseo and the Tallgrass Gallery in Pawhuska, Oklahoma. We are excited to be bringing her to Woodward in April. Many of Linda’s prints are limited additions. Linda likes to vary the print process by printing on metal, canvas, and wood. Some images are framed in vintage windows. Sizes can be customized. Join us for an Artist reception Saturday, April 1st from to 2-4pm for your chance to meet Linda.

Check out her website

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