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(580) 256-6136


The Plains Indians & Pioneers Museum depends largely on member contributions for funding. Anyone may become a member of this fine institution which has served as a regional repository and education resource for more than 50 years. Membership in the Museum also brings with it additional benefits including discounts in the Museum gift shop, a quarterly newsletter, and invitations to special events throughout the year.

The Pioneer Museum offers memberships as listed below.

Individual $35
Family $50

Pioneer $100
Heritage $250
Paul Laune $500

Temple Houston $1000

Membership Levels

Individual Membership $35
Membership card
Quarterly Newsletter
*10% discount in Gift Shop and Museum Workshops
Invitation to Special Events

Family Membership $50
Membership Card
Quarterly Newsletter
*10% Discount In Gift Shop and Museum Workshops
Invitation to Special Events

Pioneer Membership - $100
Membership Card
Quarterly Newsletter
*15% Discount In Gift Shop and Museum Workshops
Invitation to Special Events

Heritage Membership - $250
Membership Card
Quarterly Newsletter with Recognition
*20% Discount in Gift Shop and Museum Workshops
Invitation to Special Events

Paul Laune Membership - $500
Membership card
Quarterly Newsletter with Recognition
*20% Discount in Gift Shop and Museum Workshops
Invitation to Special Events                                                                                                                                                                                                         Recognition on Special Donor Board

Temple Houston Membership - $1000
Membership Card
Quarterly Newsletter with Recognition
*20% discount in Gift Shop and Museum Workshops
Invitation to Special Events                                                                                                                                                                                                      Recognition on Special Donor Board

These memberships can be purchased at any time of the year.

As always, the Plains Indians & Pioneers Museum depends upon the generosity of its members. Please help us advance our work by remembering our museum in your will and estate planning. Thank you for your continued support and contributions.

* - Does not apply to art gallery sales or consignment sales.

Not interested in a membership at this time? You can also donate to the Museum. We are a 501c3 and you’re donation may be tax deductible. We will send you an acknowledgment of your donation for tax purposes. Use the donate button to the right to donate. Thank you!