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Book Signing- Meet and Greet for "Justice For All: Dick T. Morgan Frontier Lawyer and Common Man's Congressman"


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Book Signing- Meet and Greet for "Justice For All: Dick T. Morgan Frontier Lawyer and Common Man's Congressman"

  • Plains Indians & Pioneers Museum 2009 Williams Ave. Woodward, OK 73801 (map)

Dick T. Morgan

Think you know your Woodward history? There's more to learn if you've never heard of Dick T. Morgan: Oklahoma pioneer, lawyer, land register, author, and six-term U.S. Congressman. Dick T. Morgan was one of life's true overachievers who was a major influencer back in the day. But for some reason his legacy has gone relatively overlooked... until now.

On February 15th, the Plains Indians & Pioneers Museum is hosting renowned author/biographer Michael Hightower and Dick T. Morgan's great-grandsons, David and Kenyon Morgan as we celebrate the publication and release of the book, "Justice for All ..." - with a meet-and-greet book signing in the Muse.

There will be light refreshments served and as always, it's a free event. Stop by. Learn about one of Woodward's most famous citizens!

Earlier Event: February 8
Ceramic's Workshop