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(580) 256-6136

Mindful Museum Yoga Class with Venita McGuire


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Mindful Museum Yoga Class with Venita McGuire

  • Plains Indians & Pioneers Museum 2009 Williams Ave. Woodward, OK 73801 (map)

Coming to the museum for the first time is Mindful Museum Yoga class with instructor Venita McGuire. Mindfulness is a vital key to finding peace and calming. Paired in a quite space filled with art this class will sure to be one to transform your traditional yoga experience. For only $12 you can join in on this class, a welcoming of spring and taking place just days before the Spring Equinox, on March 15th, 2025 from 8:30am to 9:30am. Spots are limited so please call the museum to reserve your spot 580-256-6136