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Jeff Dodd Art Exhibition


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Jeff Dodd Art Exhibition

  • Plains Indians & Pioneers Museum 2009 Williams Ave. Woodward, OK 73801 (map)

Jeff Dodd is an Oklahoma realist painter of both the landscape and figurative tradition.  However, as a realist, Jeff re-interprets what he sees to create a unique veiw of both the landscape and the people he portrays.

Jeff's landscapes are not necessarly depictions of authentic native landscapes.  He gives his own artistic license to interpret the land with a focus on light, billowing clouds, and seemingly untouched terrain.  This manner of idealized realism and focus on  the allure of the nature are what makes Jeff's paintings so appealing.

Jeff's figurative paintings, like his landscapes, are hyper-realistic as far as technical proficiancy.  However, The figures take the form of otherworldy characters.  From costumed women to clown faced children, the viewer is lead into a world manifested by the artist's imagination.  A fantasy world that varies from entertaining to emotionally alluring.  Each painting is a unique departure from the other.  The result is perhaps the reason why art collectors and enthusiats are drawn back to it again and again.

Jeff's Work is part of  Philbrook Museum's permanent collection and The Norman Regional Hospital the Oklahoma Capitol.  Jeff's is represented by M.A. Doran Gallery in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Jeff is set to Exhibit at the Plains Indians and Pioneers Museum in June 2025